Langlands Golf Club

Course Details


Course Type: Parkland |  Length: 5,957 yrds |  Par: 70


Langlands Golf Club is a Private Membership Club attached to Langlands Golf Course. The golf course is operated by South Lanarkshire Council.
Joining the Golf Club does not give free access to the golf course - our members have to pay green fees to SLC for play on the golf course. Details of current green fees can be found on the SLC golf section website - you can go there by clicking here.

Although we are a private club, we do have certain privileges on the course e.g. the club has block booking times from 7am until 2pm every second Saturday to run our medal competitions.

The club also has 3 days each year when we have sole access to the course to run our Open competitions. Every Saturdays from March - October we have a competition for Gents, Ladies and Juniors. We have the tee reserved every other Saturday, with members requiring to book their own tee times out with these dates.

We run midweek competitions too, with an 18 hole gents medal available to play every weekend during the regular golf season on a Book Your Own Time basis, and Wednesday sweep over 9 holes. There is also a Ladies 9 - hole competition every second Wednesday running from May - September.

To book a tee time please contact the starters office on 01355 224685.

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